
Building on Strong Foundations, by Nick Holt


News Full Image It’s been a few weeks since we announced the merger between D&P Holt and Shortland Penn + Moore to create Holt Commercial and the feedback has been extremely positive.

There were a number of reasons for bringing the two companies together.  There were similarities between the two practices but also differences too, which meant, by becoming one company, we could offer clients an even broader commercial property service across the two major cities in our region.

By bringing the two firms together we now have extremely strong foundations across Coventry, Warwickshire and Birmingham and are now looking to ensure that we build on the momentum we have created by merging.  

This momentum has already seen us attract a new member to the team and we are also very close to attracting another new member of staff.

We believe that there is genuine room for further expansion and this is certainly a very positive place to be right now when it comes to doing business.

From a practical point of view, the change has gone extremely smoothly and it’s fair to say we already feel like one company.

There is always the danger when you merge that you still operate as two different businesses, but while both firms brought different skill-sets it’s very clear already that we are all part of the same Holt Commercial team.

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