TO LET - Industrial/Logistics
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1536.00 sq ft (0.00 ) - 1536.00 sq ft (0.00 )
172 Fletchamstead Highway
Highway Industrial Estate
Highway Industrial Estate
Minimum Size
1536.00 sq ft (0.00 )
Maximum Size
1536.00 sq ft (0.00 )
£21,600 per annum
Under Offer
Key Features
- Well-presented unit with secure outside storage yard.
- Additional communal car parking
- Located immediately adjacent to the A45 Fletchamstead Highway
- Available for immediate occupation
- Rates free for most single premises occupiers
The property is situated approximately 3 miles south-west of Coventry City Centre in the suburb of Canley. Within the immediate vicinity occupiers include Canley Fire Station, Canley Police Station, Homebase, and Pets at Home. The property fronts a prominent section of the A45 Fletchamstead Highway and sits close to its junction with Sir Henry Parkes Road. The A45 provides access to the M42 and M6, whilst Birmingham International Airport, Railway Station and the NEC are close by. Specifically, the property is accessed via the unnamed entry road that runs parallel to the A45 and immediately off Sir Henry Parkes Road.
Full Description
172 offers a mid-terrace, steel and brick built industrial unit under a flat profile roof. Internally the property is almost entirely open plan with toilet facilities set within a block which protrudes from the property's front alongside the kitchen area. The property is accessed from the rear via a manual roller shutter and additionally a pedestrian door with a fire exit/secondary entrance to the unit's front. Lighting is by way of strip fluorescent tube lighting and there is a mains electrical supply. Gas has been disconnected from the unit. There is a small blockwork office/store off the main workshop area. The unit benefits from a working height of approximately 3.1m and the vehicular access measures 3.0m wide x 3.0m high. Externally the property has an enclosed yard to its rear and there are two spaces within the main estate's car parking.
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